4 private Cloud services available :
Transfer : large digital content transfer, DCP with no limit, ideal for rushes and raw video files and powered by IBM Aspera.
Share : an online private file sharing service, located locally in Cannes.
Store : centralized very high-capacity storage.
Virtual computing services.
Stop worrying about downtime, Internet incidents, or damage to your equipment while in transit, start using private local cloud for maximum efficiency.
Our promise :
A fully customizable solution to answer your needs. Available on demand for specific projects or permanently.
Local private Cloud
We use machines located on our premises. We ensure total privacy and continuity of services by not relying on public cloud providers and support available at all time.
Collaborative intelligence
The solutions are designed to simplify the process and collaborative work, so that our customers save time, energy and efficiency.
Our reactivity is powerful: if needed, we are available and competent, able to intervene immediately.
Fun fact :
Have you ever considered using our private cloud services to reduce your carbon footprint for your events ?